Live from Storyknife June

Join us on Thursday, June 20 at 6pm Alaska time for Live from Storyknife featuring June’s writers in residence. The session will be live on Zoom and the recording will be posted on this page after the reading.

Ashunda is a Black feminist multidisciplinary artist with creative work in film, poetry, archiving and photography. She loves hot water cornbread, the ocean, star Sirius and obscure cinema. Learn more at

Lisa Bird-Wilson is a Saskatchewan Métis and Cree writer whose award-winning novel, Probably Ruby, was shortlisted for the Governor General’s Literary Award and the Amazon First Novel Award. Lisa lives in Saskatoon and is the CEO of the Gabriel Dumont Institute, Canada’s first Métis post-secondary education and cultural institute.

Christina Chiu is the author of Beauty and Troublemaker and Other Saints, and the recipient of the James Alan McPherson Award and the Asian American Literary Award. Her stories appear in Tin HouseThe New Guard, NextTribe, Electric Literature, Charlie Chan is Dead 2Washington Square, The McGuffin.

Wiley Wei-Chiun Ho writes short stories, personal essays, and memoir. Her work has appeared in magazines, journals, and anthologies. A member of the Asian Canadian Writers’ Workshop, Wiley is working on her first book. When dodging the desk, she is most likely forest bathing or napping.

Urvi Kumbhat is a writer from Calcutta. She is currently a PhD student in English at Princeton University. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Sewanee Review, Georgia Review, AGNI, and elsewhere. 

Siwar Masannat is a Jordanian writer and the author of cue (Georgia Review Books, 2024) and 50 Water Dreams (Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 2015). Masannat is the managing editor of the African Poetry Book Fund and Prairie Schooner.